After 20+ years spent working in consumer product marketing, strategy, and organizational behavior – decades in a career I truly enjoyed – it was time for a change.
Living through a traumatic ski accident, as a three-time cancer survivor and divorced after 27 years of marriage, it was time for me to take off the mask of invincibility and show my vulnerability. I had to accept that I have very little control of my life and if I continued on this path of perfectionism I would not find true happiness and fulfillment. If I could surrender to that nugget of wisdom, lean in and really believe it, I could let go of wanting to know the outcome. With that surrender came freedom and a greater understanding of how to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
I am thrilled that I’ve made the change! Coaching is unique in that it challenges people to focus on what they really want and helps them define what makes them flourish and successful.
I am a Positive Psychology Practitioner and IPEC Certified Coach and am certified in the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) and Core Well-Being Dynamic Specialists (CWDS).
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”